Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Like You Really Need Another Reminder of How Awesome Photoshop Is

Once upon a time the lovely Miss Suzette posed for me as I did some test shots in the photo studio. I liked the way the spotlight graced her cheeks and brought out the ringlets in her hair. This is the final retouched image I like.  

Smoothed out her skin, lighten some shadows, added some sparkle to her eyes, softened her eyebrows and lashes a bit and even added a bit of a summer tan. 

Here is the original.

Images were used with her permission.
Makeup done by Miss Suzette herself.
Photographed by me.


  1. omg! if only we could do that to our selves in real lie...ohhh wait, plastic surgery!!!! scary.

  2. i wish i can take the liquify tool with me on the road! (that's the tool that can make you look thinner)
